I'm not sure if it's because the internet is allowing me to see it more or just that we've become a self-serving group of people but, I am seeing a LOT of people saying that their actions are OK because 'God forgave them'.
I just watched a segment of Kim Davis on Good Morning America saying that her previous marriages and children via adultery do not make her a hypocrite because she is 'forgiven' and 'washed clean' by her god.
Real life doesn't work like that, lady.
You see, she and many others would not accept me just saying that whatever wrong doing I've done has been forgiven by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. His Holy Noodliness holds no real power over them. It does not mean anything to them. No matter how much I insist that He loves you, wants you to follow Him, and He boiled for your sins (Ramen), they will never buy that nonsense.
Yet, they have this absurd notion that their mythical deity holds power over us. They insist that He loves us, wants us to follow Him, and died for our sins. When we regard that for what it is, nonsense, they still insist that their argument holds more weight.
Religious people refuse to see the correlation between the two stories. Somehow FSM is just made up gibberish while a Bronze-Age man, born of a virgin, walking on water, being pissed at a fig tree, and dying on a cross is gospel truth.
Let's be honest. The Jesus story sounds more real because it's the one most of us grew up with. It doesn't have anything to do with how long it's been around. Hinduism has been around for 5,000 years and sounds like the most ridiculous story ever conjured up. It sounds weird because it wasn't the weird we grew up with.
The Jesus story, the Mohammad story, the Krishna story....all of it is made up and holds no authority over those who have never heard of it. By insisting your actions are forgiven by your particular brand of 'holy truth' holds no water for atheists and people of other religions. Stop using it as an excuse.
As an atheist, I must ask for forgiveness from those I've actually wronged. If I do something illegal, I must pay the secular price. I have the law to answer to. That's the way it works in real life. Imagine if we just allow people to atone for their mistakes via their religion. Nothing would be done.
And, by dismissing your hypocrite actions by saying 'god is OK with it', does not make your actions any less hurtful. Your empty words of salvation mean nothing. You ARE a hypocrite. And we will call you such.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Monopoly on Comfort
Last week a good friend of mine died. He was young. He was fairly healthy. He died of something that should have been easily preventable...had he only had health insurance. But, like millions of other Americans, he had no way to pay for a regular doctors visit so he could get a simple, generic medication that could have prevented his death. But, that's another rant.
This rant is about all the friends and family of his that sent out dozens of messages of prayers and 'god's love'.
This pissed off ALL of his secular friends.
You see, my friend, his name is Heath (real name), was an atheist. He was a part of my secular community. He had atheist friends. His family disowned him and didn't speak to him for DECADES for various reasons, one of which included his lack of belief. He found a community at the Secular Hub. He walked into our lives one day and nestled there. He was one of us. A part of our 'tribe', as someone put it. He was ours and we were his. We were growing a stronger community together. And we came together as a stronger community because of this tragedy.
His aunt, who had not spoken to him in 3 decades, sent a message to his Facebook saying that he was 'wrapped in God's arms'. His friends, old school friends, army buddies, what-have-you, wrote on his wall about how, even though he didn't believe, it didn't mean that God didn't believe in him. (By the way, lady, it's incredibly classless to call his property manager to ask for all his jewelry or anything of value while he was still breathing by ventilator in the ICU. Bitch)
I was shaking with anger.
These people were so disrespectful of Heath and his opinions they didn't even PRETEND to hide it. "All he did was bash the bible but I'm still praying for him."
Fuck. You.
You do not get to have the moral high ground because you think your religion is the know-all and be-all of life.
You do not get to rub your religion in a dying man's face when he is unable to argue back.
You do not get to tell his friends, the ones who were actually there for him in his hospital room, that you are praying for us and him, even though you KNOW we are atheists.
You do not get to play the jilted Christian when the atheists remind you that we are not comforted by your empty words of prayer.
Your particular brand of false comfort and hope does not help us. It does not make us feel looked-after, comforted, or better. Our friend is dying. We will never again be able to debate with him, take him for a beer, or laugh with him. We will never be able to make new memories with him. Mocking us with false promises of an afterlife with him is just hurtful. Especially since you have condemned us to hell for not believing in the first place.
And, by us pointing that out to you, does not give you the right to pretend that we are everything you imagined we are; angry.
We are able to cope just fine without your mythical sky-daddy, thank you. We will always remember the arguments, debates, funny stories, adventures, and general goofiness of our friend Heath. We will remember him as he was; not just in a hospital bed. We will remember him hiking, shoveling the sidewalk in front of the Hub, eating all the stale popcorn after our movie nights, being there at every lecture just to learn more, and being the greatest reminder of the 90's we never knew we needed.
We will remember because that's all we have. We have our memories. I hope to have half the friends there for me when I'm in need as he did. The best we can do is live this life to the fullest, with the best possible people, and with a love for life that can't be measured in bible quotes. We don't get a second chance. We don't get a reward for being a good person in the afterlife. We don't get to be 'called home' one day.
Our reward is that we have a happy life right now. With friends who support us. By helping our community. By being good people just because we want to make our ONLY home a better place.
We lost our friend. Just like you. However, we loved him no matter what. We accepted him for all his quirks, his ridiculous love of Buffy, his intellect, wit, and, of course, his atheism. Unlike you.
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