Friday, February 28, 2014

Religious Freedoms Are Being 'Trampled'

This idea is bullshit.

The Christians are always the ones claiming that they are being persecuted. You'd think one of them would own a dictionary. Or a thesaurus for that matter. In America the judeo-Christian God is EVERYWHERE! It's on our money, in our (creepy) Pledge of Allegiance, it was even made our national motto during the Red Scare. Billboards depicting a bloody Jesus (VERY creepy) that died for our sins are on most major streets. Churches are on EVERY street corner. There are an overwhelming number of laws protecting religious freedoms. 90%+ of Americans are religious. But....they are being bullied by people who just so happen to not believe and we're asking to not have it shoved down our throats. How very tragic for them...

We've been hearing a ton about the proposed laws in numerous states that would allow businesses to refuse service to persons who 'would burden their religious beliefs'. Meaning: "My god doesn't like you and therefore I don't have to like you or do anything for you."

I understand the concept of having small businesses run the way the owner sees fit. But don't we already have laws that state that small businesses can refuse service to whomever they please?

I have heard of the stories of businesses getting sued because they refused service to gay people. If you choose to deny service to someone who is causing a problem in your store, sure, kick them out. If they are constantly in the store to steal things or just wonder around making a mess? Kick them out! When you start to refuse service to willing customers because of their gender, race or sexual orientation that is discrimination and that is unlawful.

Jesus spoke against divorce. Are businesses going to ask every single woman with children if they are a single parent because of divorce and then kick them out if the answer is 'yes'?

Personally, I can't understand why a small business would want to deny themselves of the business. That sounds like a bad business move to me. If I am selling a service and someone wants to buy it- why the hell not? That's what the business is for. If you run a business with hatred and bigotry be prepared to run it into the ground.

For that matter, I can't really understand why someone would WANT to give assholes like this any business at all. But, I guess it's not the fact that this particular bakery had a really great recipe for fondant, that that photographer has a great sense of light, or that pharmacy is closest to my home - it's that this particular bakery/photographer/pharmacist found it in their best interests to be bigots.  And if we ignore it, it will continue and get worse.  

Now, I know where a counter argument can be made. If I had a business would I want to serve a KKK member? Of course not. But I'm not denying someone service because they happen to be white. I would be denying someone who is an active bigot. I want no part in that. Someone who is gay had no choice in the matter. They just ARE gay. And to deny them service would be on the same level as denying someone service because they happen to be black.

Also, how exactly would I KNOW that  a particular person is a KKK member? How would I KNOW that a person is divorced, or gay, or anything that I would be morally objected to without asking them? Are these business really asking people to fill out a form with all their 'moral misdeeds' so the owner can judge them? That seems like a lot of damn work. Again, not a great way to try to keep a business afloat.

I think that in a few years many of the people who argue against gay rights will find themselves on the wrong side of history. Wake up, people! You're not being persecuted because of your religious views. You're being called a bigot because you are being a bigot! 

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