Friday, March 7, 2014


 Ok. I get called a lot of things by religious people. A LOT. Not very nice things. But the one that I get most often is 'selfish'. 

I'm selfish because I don't want to take responsibility for my sinning. I'm selfish because I just want to sleep in on Sundays and not have to spend any time worshiping a god. I'm selfish because I'm not married. I'm selfish because I don't have, nor do I want, children.

I'd like to break some of this selfishness down.

Responsibility for my sinning/Sunday Mornings/Not worshiping your god:

You say I'm sinning. I don't believe I'm sinning. Your god says I'm sinning. I don't believe in your god. We're at a crossroads here.

I try not to break the laws of the country in which I live. I try not to go against the social norms in which I have surrounded myself. I try not to go against the social morals that most Americans, and humans in general, live by. Your god seems to think that what I do with my Sunday mornings and genitals are highly important to him. I don't care because your made up story about how the world works doesn't apply to my everyday life.

I'm not married/I don't have kids:
Nope, not married. And, seeing as I'm in my 20's, I'm ok with this. I'm not usually a patient person but I'm trying to not rush through my life right now. Marriage is one of those things that can be held off.

Kids? Hell no. I don't want them. I never wanted them. They are annoying, sticky, dirty, demanding, and disgusting. Not to mention expensive. I will never understand how I'm possibly being called selfish for not having children. I can't afford them, I don't want to have to take care of one, and I sure as hell don't want to have to ask the government for assistance in raising it financially. Personally, I feel as if I'm doing the world a favor by not inflicting another child on the populous.

Just because you were told by the bible to go forth and multiply doesn't mean it is something in which I must partake.  In fact, the product of you and another person squishing your DNA together is not something I even care about. I adore my best friend's kid. I'd do anything for him, just like I would my nephews. But they are all birth control for me.

Ok, so maybe I am a selfish person. But I'm ok with this. It's not a negative thing to be selfish. Everyone needs it sometimes. I do lots of things for other people. I do charity work. I donate time and money to good causes.  But, every now and then, I just want to go home at the end of the day and forget about the rest of the world. And it's not a sin. It's a mental health issue. I do it in order to be a happier, healthier and more productive person.

You're welcome.

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