Sorry Aunt/Cousin 'Pat', I wont be 'sharing' this on my Facebook page. Let me rant a bit and tell you why:
Children's personal beliefs are allowed in schools. They can pray when they feel they need to (so long as it doesn't interrupt class), they can wear crosses, hell they can even say 'bless you' when someone sneezes.
Your god is NOT ALLOWED to be pushed onto students by the school.
Why do Christians not understand the First Amendment? 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.' A PUBLIC school CANNOT make mention of, or show favor to, one particular religion. Your child can bring their personal imaginary friend with them wherever they go.
Don't blame bad things happening in school on the government's lack of religion. Bad things happen to Christian all day, every day, everywhere, of all ages. It's either a 'test' from god or he's not allowed- pick an excuse. But stick with the damn excuse you pick.
Your god seems to be the master at hide and seek. If your god is so powerful why does he not just place himself in our schools? Don't give me that horseshit about free will. The entire population must rely on our own 'feelings', trust, and faith to believe in something. If I use that argument literally anywhere else it would fail miserably. Your god, instead of providing a smidgen of evidence to his existence, chooses to sit back and allow murderous bickering among his creations. And all for the sick pleasure of 'free will' glorification. Disgusting.
Lastly, your god doesn't belong in school curriculum. Seriously, unless there is a social studies class that teaches comparative religion, any god or deity does not belong in schools. Period. End of story.
I'm always confused as to why Christians don't understand this. Your god is not THE god. And how DARE you try to force your god onto other people. In my experience it is the Christians who end up being the ones who lack the most empathy in this world.
I'll tell you why that is: Christians are so brainwashed during childhood (and sometimes at a person's weakest times) into thinking that their (Christian) way of life is the best and ONLY way to live. Everyone else has their world views wrong. Hindus, Muslims, Jews, hell, even Catholics, are so wrong about God that they must be taught by the holiest of holy Christians. Who are the holy Christians? Why, any one of them. (Sidebar: After re-reading this paragraph this statement can be true about literally any religion. Brainwashing is prevalent in most major religions. It has to be- it's the only thing that works. Don't want anyone to think I just pick on the poor poor Christians. Carry on)
When I was religious I was taught that I was the worst scum on Earth. I was a worm compared to the greatness that is the Almighty. There was nothing I could do that was worthy of Him. I ONLY had a chance at everlasting life because of Jesus. I was a horrible, miserable, sinner. But, compared to all the heathens in the world I was a damn angel saint come to rescue the masses with my infinite Bible knowledge (consisting of the few passages I was taught in Sunday School). Every one else was in desperate need of my help.
Proselytizing is a HUGE part of Christian teachings. We were taught that this was a necessary thing because EVERYONE needed to know Christ. Heathens were unhappy and miserable- they just didn't know it. Luckily I was there to tell them. Or, at least, I was taught to tell them. I never did.
My oldest sister explained to me why she didn't agree with proselytizing: would you want someone to try to turn you away from what you believe was right? How would I feel if a Mormon started to tell me how wrong my life was and that I needed to follow their way? My sister's philosophy was that she won't try to convert you if you don't try to convert her. It keeps the peace that way.
I was a pretty chill atheist for a few years. I didn't argue back with religious people. I let things slide. I thought 'Hey, it's just the way they feel about their religion. No big deal.' Well, it is a big deal. And now whenever I say something back to them I'm 'persecuting' them.
Calling you out on your privileged status is not persecution. It's me not taking any more of your bullshit.
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