Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Thoughts and Prayers: Religions Way of Doing Nothing But Still Feeling Good About It

"Thoughts and Prayers" has become almost a mantra for people on all forms of social media. It's a hashtag. It's a go-to phrase for when someone on Facebook is talking about an illness or death. It's the new automatic response that everyone says out of habit.

Person 1: **sneeze**
Person 2: Bless You!

-same as-

Person 1: Grandma died
Person 2: Thoughts and Prayers! 

The 'thoughts and prayers' social media movement has got to be the shittiest, most entitled, new thing out there. But, how new and how helpful is it? 

Where I grew up it was usually just, "I'm sorry. You're in my prayers" when someone had a rough time. I'm not sure where the 'thoughts' came from. Maybe it was a a faster way to also say, "We're thinking about you"? 

Either way it's lost some it's 'umpf'. Since I grew up in a religion, I understand the meaning behind the gesture of someone praying for you. For religious people this is something they can do when they feel helpless, or are too far away from the situation to actually help. It used to mean something to me; even when I left religion. It means that someone was going to take time out of their day to think about me and my troubles. It was a nice thought. 

Because, sometimes, what else can a religious person do? They are helping the best way they know how.  (Because donating money, picking up a hammer, or visiting a sick person is hard)

But, let's be honest. It helps them. And only them. 

Back when I was trying to be religious (being honest here; I tried hard to fit in) and I would pray, I would end up having a good cry. I would pray about heavy things that were really weighing on my mind. People dying, 9/11, my grandfather being sick with Alzheimers, etc. I felt that crying during prayer was one of the only times I was allowed to.  (Everyone has rough times; I don't like to complain about my situation to people) And I felt better afterward. I thought that maybe the prayer thing was working. 

Now I know that having a good cry let's you get some emotions out. I'm still not a big crier but, every now and then I have a good cry session and I feel better. 

'Talking to god' wasn't what I needed. It didn't help the situation. No one came back from death, terrorists weren't wiped out, my grandfather still has no idea who he, or anyone else, is. 

No one, absolutely no one, has EVER been healed because of prayer. Your kid didn't recover from cancer because of prayer. You didn't win the lottery because of prayer. Your situation in life doesn't change because of prayer. 

I've always been confused by prayer, actually. What exactly are you expecting to do? 

Why are you thanking god for the food you have? Are you saying, "Thank god I have food and half the world's population doesn't"? 

Why are asking him to change his plans for your life? Was his plan not good enough for you, you entitled little shit? 

Why do we make kids recite a prayer every night that teaches them they may die in their sleep? Because that's not terrifying....Fuck monsters under your bed. God might let you just die in your wet PJs. 

If god has a plan and it's supposed to be a perfect, albeit mysterious, plan, then what's the point in asking him to change it? If you don't thank god for your food will it magically disappear? If a kid doesn't pray before they go to bed and they die in their sleep do they go to hell? 

And, if god 'knows what's in your heart' why do you have to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness, thank him for things, or praise him? To be humble? Because god wants you to gravel at his feet? Sounds very loving of him. 

'Thoughts and Prayers' is one of the most frustrating things for an atheist to hear. It does nothing and has become an automatic phrase people say absentmindedly. I used to get why people would say they were praying for me. It was supposed to be a nice gesture to say to someone when you didn't know what else to say or do.

Now, it's just something people say to make themselves look like a caring person and we atheists can see right through your bullshit. 

Also, using 'I'll pray for you' like a weapon is not hurtful or humbling. It just makes you look like a self-righteous bitch. Stop it. 

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