Thursday, June 27, 2013

Man of Morals

If you have recently seen the new Superman: Man of Steel movie than you may have been able to catch the not-so-subtle Christian overtones laced in between the partial destruction of Metropolis. 

The movie starts out as we all know the Superman saga to play out: Superman's planet is destroyed, he ends up on Earth, he becomes a caped hero in red undies. (Except in this rendition he has finally learned the the underoos go inside the pants. Like a big boy!)  During one of his fight scenes with Zod's minions he is destroying a small Kansas town with Faora.  She makes a pretty bold statement about evolution and morals. I've included a link to the YouTube clip of the scene of which I am referring:

This was the part in the movie where I had finally determined that Iron Man is my favorite.

I always found it slightly amusing, if not incredibly terrifying, that religious people always have a hard time grasping the concept that morals do not automatically come from religion. It's hard enough having to explain this to people on the street but to have this kind of stupidity in a major blockbuster film is disheartening.

Portraying the bad guys as evolutionary, moral-less, killing machines bent on world destruction is not good for the atheist image. I mean...we aren't actively trying to take over the world just now...maybe later once were done showing off our underwear, destroying a city, and being an illegal immigrant...oh wait....

I was once asked where I got my morals. I answered, "From my parents, society and my own sense of right and wrong." As Penn Jillett once said, "I've killed and raped all I have ever wanted. And the number of rapes and murders I have committed is ZERO." But once I said 'parents' I was quickly asked where my parents got their morals from. Their parents was my guess. I was then asked where my grandparents got their morals. I was being led to say that my family originally got their morals from their church.

Ok, yes, sure church can teach good morals. There are some passages and stories in the bible that can teach good lessons. There are also teachings in the Quran and Bhagavad Vida that show the same lessons. None of which are new to any of these religions. Humans have been able to figure out how to live among one another without killing, harming, or stealing from one another for thousands of years. Some less than others but the idea of not killing one another did not magically happen once Christianity was thought up.

The newest remake of the Superman comic left me annoyed and upset but, then again, it was a movie. I can't be mad at a fictional story- just like atheist aren't mad at gods. It's like being mad at Santa. You shouldn't waste that kind of energy on something that doesn't exist.

What drives us crazy is the people who will see this movie and see those who speak of evolution as evil people who are looking to destroy humanity. I'm just a blond preppy chick from Louisiana. I need humanity...for diversity, love, kicks....and laughs. People are too funny to destroy.

Except for Fred Phelps. I hate that dick.

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