Tuesday, August 6, 2013


This is an article put out from Yahoo.com about a man in PA who shot and killed three people over a property dispute. He shot and killed THREE people and injured more at a municipal meeting in the county. He was upset that he lives in a dilapidated and trash infested piece of property and he was in arguments with the county over the clean-up. He said he was on social security and couldn't afford the clean-up.

But this isn't what is upsetting and unbelievable to me. What's unbelievable is the comments after the story. People are defending the man. They start off by saying that they 'do not condone what he has done' but then they go off on how this is the government's fault.  They claim that if the neighbors or government would have helped him more then this would not have happened. "This man just needed a kind gesture." "He is on social security and he has worked hard for it and to treat him like this is a crime."
If this man were ANY other color than white he would be classed as a lazy bum who just wants to have a free ticket in jail on the taxpayers dime. I'm furious.
Anyone who says that this.....animal went too far or deserves jail is quickly labeled as a 'libitard'. I don't even understand this.
The government is blamed, immigrants are blamed, minorities are blamed, the wealthy are blamed. EVERYONE is blamed....except the man who chose to murder innocent people over permits, money and trash.

This is classic 'blaming the victim'. If you didn't want your car getting stolen you shouldn't have left it unlocked. If she didn't want to get raped she should have dressed more conservatively. If they didn't want to be shot dead they shouldn't have enforced these codes on this man.

One commenter actually stated that "I don't condone what the man did about shooting everyone but I DO UNDERSTAND his frustration."

I'm sorry. You understand murderous frustration??  I cannot understand frustration to such an extreme. Maybe it's because I'm young and haven't experienced enough in life that I do not fully understand this type of frustration. And I hope I never do.

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