Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thank you, science!

I work for a case manager and life care planner. Every now and then my boss needs research for any random medical issue.

Last week she asked me to research the latest advancements in spinal cord injury medications and technology. Every day I researched this I cried a little at what we are able to do.

Stem cells, umbilical cord blood, oxygen treatments, decompression surgeries.........bionic suits! This is the most incredible time for scientific advancements.

Except religious people are constantly trying to halt this process."Stem cells come from unborn babies! Using them for research is wrong and immoral!!"

I will NEVER understand why this country has blocked stem cell research for so long. We can literally regrew parts of us that are broken. This is incredible. But, religious nuts think stem cells are 'potential people'.

Just to be clear: I will willingly have an abortion to that the cells can be used to help a real person walk again.

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