Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I wish I was in high school again...

Florida high schools are 'under attack' because Christians aren't being allowed to force people to pray.


Here's an incredibly biased article written about it:


Christians stormed the football field in a blatant disregard of safety and security of the student athletes in order to stop the game and advocate their hypocritical show of prayer. (Matthew 6:6)

I'm getting really tired of trying to be understanding of Christians. It's as if they intentionally are trying to twist laws and verbiage to make them seem like the victim.  Oh wait. That's exactly what they are doing. I was taught to do it when I was stuck in religion. I was constantly being told that we (Christians) were under attack by the evils of the ACLU, FFRF and other 'secular's. (And, of course, the Muslims)

I grew up in Florida. I went to Brandon High School just outside of Tampa. Did I see athletic teams pray before/after/during  games/practices/random events? Of course I did. I was on an athletic team- I had to participate. It was constant. It was time consuming. It was fucking annoying. But, if I had refused to participate, I would have been labeled. No one in high school wants to be labeled. For ANY reason. Let alone being a godless heathen. I remember a friend of mine in middle school who told us she was a pagan. My mother flipped her shit. She would drive by the friend's house and point out all the evil signs of the home. (It was Halloween- they had decorations at the time) She would tell us that we should stay away from the entire family.

Personally, I think the friend was going through a 'cool-new-plants-and-rocks' phase. She had been raised Catholic and, I assumed, wanted to try new rituals. That's all Catholicism is, right? Rituals, saints (gods), and candles? No big difference to me.

Anyway, the crazy Christians in Florida- and I'm sure around the country- are failing to see the point. They are insisting that anyone who doesn't want to pray can just not pray. They aren't thinking about the Jewish kid or the atheist kid who don't want to be ostracized. They are probably in the mindset that those 'different' kids should learn about Christianity anyway.

It NEVER occurs to the Christians that if THEY want to pray then they should just do so and not make a huge thing of it and force everyone else to act as they act. The problem is that Christians are told to make everyone else Christians. They are a contagious disease. It's why we need more protections and advocates in schools.

If I had had the courage that I have now- and the knowledge- I would have stood up for my rights in high school. Damn, that would have been fun....

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