Monday, September 15, 2014

Here's my problem with CoCORE

It's a great idea, United CORE. An umbrella organization that was put into place to support smaller secular groups. They were to give the smaller leaders a voice within the nation-wide secular movement. They are in place to help announce events, fundraising, and leadership training. All well and good. I agree with this movement.

Here's the problem with COCORE (Colorado's branch of CORE): It has been taken over by a man who is running amok with power. This one-man-show refuses to cooperate with others, has deemed himself to be the head of CoCORE (with no vote), and he has decided that his rule is paramount. He believes that because he has bought notoriety that he deserves accolades for his 'effort'.

He basically took over this year's Colorado Secular Conference on his own. He anointed himself the king of the conference. (Then bitched about how much work it took him to do it alone.) He put a lot of his own time and effort-and let's not forget a LOT of his OWN money- into making the conference a big deal.

And it was! It was a three-day event with high-end speakers from across the country. About 20 vendor tables, a fully stocked VIP room, and kids room. It was quite a spectacular event. The problem was that this was not a 'local' conference. There was a total of one local speaker. MANY local secular leaders were annoyed that we weren't even asked to represent our state/group/community.  It also made NO MONEY. I believe he lost a lot, actually.

We all know why. He wanted to be the star attraction.  He prefers to be the one in the spotlight and will step on you to do so. He does not work well with others nor take anyone else's opinions or suggestions.  If he is- god forbid- forced to work with other people he whines constantly when he doesn't get his way, pouts when he loses, and just does as he wishes on his own without approval.

He recently decided that CoCORE (mostly he) owns the Colorado Secular Conference. He put it to a vote among the COCORE community if the conference should merge with the American Humanist Annual Conference that will take place in Denver next year. He made up a rule that if a group does not vote than that is an automatic 'yes' vote. It's absurd. Some groups left because of this. One group raised questions, tried to speak with this man one-on-one, and spoke with other groups about our concerns.

This prompted this man to send an attacking e-mail, directed to the one group leader who dared to ask a question, to the ENTIRE COCORE LEADERSHIP LIST. At least 30 people received this e-mail. It was one of the most childish things I have ever seen from a grown man. He then proceeds to act as if he is being attacked.

He has done this before. It caused board members to leave a group and lead him to step down from his own group. But, here he is, at it again.  Again, acting as if he has done nothing wrong.

There are some really great people in our secular community in Colorado who refuse to work with him. They have opted to sit out of a conference if this man has any involvement in it. It's sad. I also do not wish to ever have to work with him. I really should have learned my lesson from the 2013 conference. Last year we had a committee made up of 6 or 7 different community leaders to make decision, follow a budget, etc. He constantly whined and argued when he didn't get his way. It was literally like working with an ill-behaved child.

CoCORE was sold to me as an e-mail list. I wanted no part of it. I am a pretty well known person within the Denver Metro secular community. It's not difficult to get a hold of me. I'm in very good contact with other members and leaders throughout the city. If there is something going on in another part of the state I will usually hear about it. I just didn't want to receive 20 e-mails a day about random things. Which is exactly what happened when I was forced to join.

I was bullied into joining CoCORE by this man. I was told that if I wanted Denver Atheists to be a part of the Colorado Secular Conference then I must join. Otherwise we would not be represented at all. We weren't anyway. No one was- except this man and his interests. He called the shots and he ran the show. Poorly. (In my opinion)

I was bullied into joining the CoCORE organization. I won't be bullied by this man anymore.

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