Friday, May 22, 2015

Hypocritical Duggars

Surprise surprise. One of the Duggar kids is a pervert.

According to the Yahoo story, Josh Duggar, the oldest of the Duggar kids, has been accused of molesting minors, including his own sisters, when he was a teen. He has admitted to it and has stepped down as Executive Director of the Family Research Council.

Here's a short timeline:

March of 2002 : 14 year old Josh is accused of 'fondling...(the) breasts and vaginas' of his victims mostly while the girls slept but, sometimes while they were awake. His father, Jim Bob, knew about it but did nothing.

July 2002:  Josh does it again. Tells his father. Jim Bob, again, does nothing.

March 2003: Josh strikes again and Jim Bob consults his church. Josh was placed in a 'Christian program' from March-July. His family claimed that Josh apologized to his victims and they 'forgave him' and the church was aware of his actions.

Michelle, the mother, later learns that her son was not sent for treatment, but was instead sent to work for a family friend in his home remodeling business.

When Josh was sent back home in July 2003 he was taken to see another family friend who was a state trooper. This friend had a 'very stern talk' with Josh about his actions. The friend is now serving a 56 year sentence for child pornography. Nice.

It's not until 2006 that any formal investigation was performed. This was only after a letter was sent to Harpo Studios before the family was to appear on the Oprah show. The studio contacted the Department of Human Services.

This also happened to be just after the statute of limitations had expired on the chance to prosecute the little perv.

The family is only just now publicly talking about this incident because TMZ found the documents through the Freedom of Information Act. The family is claiming that Josh has made himself right with God. God has forgiven him and blessed the family with good fortune. Fantastic.

The rest of the world is now aware that your perverted son got away with it.

Atheists are constantly accused of being able to do anything without having to answer to anyone. I don't know about other atheists, but when I do something wrong I tend to feel guilty about it and apologize to the person I've wronged and try to make amends. I've never done anything that would make me have to go to the authorities. But, if I ever get the urge to molest someone, I'll make sure I turn myself in and get real help.

This family is hiding behind their religion. They answer to no real authority. They allowed their son to not only molest outside girls, but their own daughters. They neither sought help for him or the other children nor did they do anything to rectify the situation in a true legal fashion.

Their son had no real guidance about what was wrong. He was taught no lesson about how to control himself, received no therapy about what he did, and suffered no recourse for his actions. Their daughters were treated like playthings and given no other consideration. The other minors he molested were not treated like human beings. The only thing that mattered to them was their reputation and that their imaginary 'god' forgave them. And, of course he did. He did because they wanted him to.

How dare these people. They are hypocrites. What's worse is that they know they are hypocrites. They constantly say they are. Their religion tells them they are. It's a part of the being 'saved' deal. You are saved because you are wicked, a hypocrite, a worm. They have this guilt in them all the time. They use this as a way to justify their actions. They use it to 'humble themselves in the sight of the Lord'. Everything they do is somehow already wrong. As long as they ask for forgiveness, they will be washed of all sins. Including the perverted ones.

So they need no police authority for when they do something wrong. They wrong you, run to their church, ask for forgiveness, are granted forgiveness (of course), and if you don't believe in their god, oh well.

This is why the Christian way is the cowardly way. They pretend the world is persecuting them when they claim their god has forgiven them. What about the real victims, Duggars? The children that were molested? The son you refused to seek help for? The children of Josh?

But, no. It's you who are the one being hurt here. Cowards.

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