Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Of Course God Isn't Dead

He had to have been alive in the first place for him to be dead now.

In college I had a friend whose father was a producer for the movie God's Not Dead. My friend was even in the film. Speaking part and all. It was pretty neat, actually. To have a friend who was in a movie.

The friend was obviously a Christian and I was obviously an atheist but we're good friends anyway. Mostly because neither of us are jerks and we are able to be friendly without having to accept each other's belief system. Surprising, I know.

When God's Not Dead came out, I went and saw it. This isn't a review of that movie. I don't need to review it. If anyone with half a brain saw it they knew right away how fictitious and ridiculous it was.

But, now they've made a sequel.

The sequel's premise is even more outlandish than the first one. A teacher (played by Melissa Joan Heart-- say it isn't so, Clarissa!) is brought to trial because she dared express her Christian faith in a classroom in Arkansas.

A teacher. In Arkansas. Who is religious. Being sued for expressing her religion. In Arkansas.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

This truly is the work of some Christian nightmare. Complete fantasy. And, the only way they can make other Christians feel persecuted as well is by making up this story.  I guarantee you there is a black screen at the end of the movie saying "This has been happening all over our Christian Nation. Don't let the liberals/democrats/atheists/ACLU win." or some other garbage.

In the 7th grade in Brandon, Florida I had a history teacher at Mann Middle School that would tell us daily about his love of god. He would tell us to read our bible. He insisted that he was a good Christian because he never let anything be on top of his bible. He brought that damn bible to his classroom and had it on his desk in plain sight all year long.

Don't give me that whiny bullshit about how Christians are persecuted in the classroom in the fucking bible belt.

You are not being persecuted when the rest of the community finally has the same rights as you do, you whiny, selfish, sniveling, liar Christian community. Grow up. Keep it in your homes and churches where it belongs.

Leave school alone to do its job. Teach your nonsense in your churches.

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