Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How do atheists deal with a killer among us?

The answer to that it that we don't have to.

Yesterday a man in North Carolina shot and killed three young people. There is very little information about what actually happened so far. I've read numerous reports about how the young victims were college students. Two of them were married in December. All had bright futures and were well liked and respected in their community.

The main reason this story has become national news is that the victims were Muslim and the man who shot them is an atheist.

I first heard about the shooting this morning. The article I read only mentioned that the victims were Muslim and the man who killed them allegedly did so over a parking space in their apartment complex. The comments from readers made the assumption that the shooter was a Christian upset about Muslims in his town. This is North Carolina after all. NC isn't well known for it's tolerance and acceptance of those other than white, good-ole' boy, Republican, gun-totin', Christians.

But, by this afternoon, my Facebook feed was filled with messages and reports from secular sources that the shooter is an atheist. Every secular/atheist organization that I follow was quick to condemn the actions of the shooter, to explain that atheism isn't about violence, and that they have separated themselves from the actions of this man.

Fine. That's all fine. It's important to make that statement. The fact that I ONLY heard that he was atheist from secular sources tells me that the groups in which I'm involved care about this issue and wish to make it known that atheists aren't like this.  But, the thing is, we don't have to.

I don't wish to sound crass. I feel terrible for the awful fate of the innocent lives that were tragically cut short. I did not know them but, they seemed like good people. I can't imagine the horror their friends and families must be going through.

But, I will not defend my lack of belief because I happen to share that one same quality with the shooter. I've known many atheists whom I've only shared the lack of belief with.

Whenever a Muslim terrorist does a horrific act, Christians demand other Muslims speak out against it. Whenever a Christian terrorist does something heinous, Christians immediately deem them as 'not a true Christian'. Atheism is not a doctrine. We do not have a core set of rules. We do not have a leader. Each person within atheism can only be expected to act according to the rules and regulations of their community.

This man does not have respect for life. He does not have respect for his community. He does not have common societal traits. He is sick. He is dangerous. He should not be a part of any community. He is in authority custody, as he should be. He will be given a trail, in accordance with our judicial system. He will be judged and pay for his crime the best way that our system of government can allow.

I don't have to feel like my lack of belief is threatened. It's going to be a pain in the ass, yes. But, atheism did not do this. A sick, deranged man did.

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