Friday, February 27, 2015

Let's just destroy everything

This morning the entire country is arguing over the color of a dress. Here's what the country should be upset about:

ISIS assholes have destroyed ancient artifacts in a museum in Mosul, Iraq. They came into the museum with sledgehammers, drills, and other tools to destroy history. Why? Because they believe that the 2,000 year old statues were idols to gods other than their own. Thus, their god can't have that type of competition.

I feel like I'm going to be physically sick. I'm actually crying.

Is this what religion is? This murdering of culture? Physically wipe out anything that isn't like your own? Seems like it.

And, not just radical Muslims. MANY religions do this. In their history and today. Don't think that Christians don't. Just this morning I have seen 5 news articles about different court systems around the country dealing with religious people trying to ban abortion or gay marriage solely on the idea that it upsets their god.

Your religion makes you happy. Fantastic. I don't want to take that away from you. But, your world view and what makes you happy wont make me happy. Don't force it on me. Your god has a problem with the things I have, the way I live my life, that museums I want to see? He will deal with me eventually, wont he? Isn't that want you believe? Let it go.

If your peaceful and loving god demands that you destroy things, that's the opposite of a peaceful and loving god. That's a monster.

I'm happy to surround myself with rational and thoughtful people. It's unfortunate that we are, in turn, surrounded with delusional and irrational people who believe that their faith trumps everything else. It's a sad day for history. It's a sad day for culture. It's a sad day for humanity.

Especially when most people are still arguing about the dress....

Which is white and gold. Obviously.

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