Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Hacking of the Humanists

Today the American Humanists Association's Facebook page was hacked. It's actually still happening. Right now. As I type. (I'm bored at work) It's been going on for an hour or so now.

The hackers got in, removed all the admin's privileges and began a tirade of trashy articles that belonged more on the covers of the Weekly World News magazine.  Pictures of women in yoga pants, women's secret sexual positions, collections of suggestive pictures, Kim Kardashian's rear end....(A lot of anti-women stuff if you ask me--must be one of those 'Good Christian Boys')

The first article I saw that looked questionable was "10 Selfies Taken Right Before Death". Really?!?!

There is a commenter in each hacked post directing everyone as to how to 'report' the group to Facebook and have the entire page taken down.

This is exactly what the hackers want people to do. They want this page taken down. I have no idea who has done this but I would not be surprised if it was a Christian supporter.

AHA has a 'Don't Say The Pledge' campaign right now. They are spreading the very tightly kept secret that kids do not have to recite the pledge of allegiance in school. In the 40's it was decided in a court decision that children in public schools do not have to recite the pledge.

Since then, almost no school teacher has shared that knowledge with the children. Seriously, I was in public schools for 12 clue about this. I was given a worksheet as homework to help me memorize it word for word. We took time out of kindergarten to learn how to stand and place your right hand over your heart. I was given a flag to take home and practice the pledge. T.V.s in my classrooms would have a video of that one super American song that I can't remember (something about ..'they come to America'...), followed by the American flag with the words of the pledge rolling across the screen karaoke-style. (My head is exploding)

In the 50's 'Under God' was added to the pledge-- making it unconstitutional as a breach of the First Amendment to the Constitution stating that 'Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion...'. AHA is spearheading a major campaign to remove it and/or at least let kids know they don't have to say it.

Kids are starting to stand up to their teachers and refuse and they are being punished and treated like anti-American criminals. And now we have the loving Christians hacking Facebook pages and trying to shut-up the voices of secular people. (Allegedly)

Seriously? The Humanists? The people who specifically campaign for ALL humans? The ones who advocate the good-will and respect of all people? These are the ones you want to attack and call un-American?

I'm to the point where I'm truly ashamed that I have to admit that I was brought up and once identified as Christian.

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