Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Atheists hate children...

It's true. We hate them. And kittens. Bunnies, too.


'Atheists Force School to Cancel Christmas Toy Drive Because Religion'

I'm not sure if this became big news because the conservative media needs a good piece to prove the 'War on Christmas' or if every Xmas just needs a Grinch.

The American Humanist Association sent a letter to the schools, one in Colorado and another in South Carolina, stating that their choice in charitable organizations was unconstitutional. The AHA does not send letters to schools without an initial complaint from a parent or student of the school. They never even would have known about this going on without being told.

One school administrator stated that there was no mention of the religious nature of the charity: "School principal, Renee Mathews, is flabbergasted by the absurd letter saying that the only “religious” part of the toy drive is the word “Christmas” in its title. Otherwise there is not a single mention of religion in anything concerning the event. It’s just a toy drive for needy kids."

Just because you make no mention of the religious intent of the charity does not mean that it is not there. The charity in question is Operation Christmas Child which is under the umbrella organization of Samaritan's Purse- a VERY religious organization. One look at their website and anyone can easily guess that this is a religious charity:


If the school principal, or ANY administrator for that matter, had taken a glance at this website they would have immediately seen the religious nature of the charity and should have known that this was not a good charity for a public school to participate in.

I've heard it before: 'It's freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion!' Yes, you have the freedom to practice any stupid religion you can come up with. I, and all our children in public schools, have the freedom to not be subjected to it. This is the difference.

If Islam was the main religion in America and they were sending prayer rugs to poor children via public school children you may have a bit of an issue with it.

Operation Christmas Child sends toys and goods to children all over the world. It's a great thing. The problem is that they also send evangelical literature and promises of a good life if the children pray and convert to Christianity. (The instructions of how to pack a 'shoebox' includes praying for the recipients of the box.) Public schools in the US cannot be a part of religious organizations. There are a plethora of other charities that these schools can work with, such as Toys for Tots.

Do we hate children? Of course not. I, and many other atheists I know, have been volunteering, donating and holding our own food drives for years. We love children and this country enough that we don't want to see it become a radically religious country where people are no longer free. We do this by challenging one constitutional violation at a time- no matter how much it makes us look like the bad guys.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

All we wanted was a women's group...

A member of my group, Denver Atheists, recently asked to host a secular women's group. Awesome, right? Let's do it!

We decided that for the first meeting it should be women only. There are a lot of females in the group who are new, may not be comfortable around the normally male dominated events, have sexism issues they would like to discuss with just women, etc. Deal. Starting out- women only. The direction can change to include the men if/when it was decided on by the collective group. Cool.

The invites went out.

The negative comments poured down like the rains from the biblical flood.

I've never seen something get this out of control so quickly on our little MeetUp site.  And not just men- women, at least one, are pissed off! Some men are taking this as a curious issue. 'Women feel oppressed? Even in the secular community? I had no idea!' Others are taking the more comical approach, 'This will be the most coveted group by male atheists!'

I expect this kind of reaction from the men. In the secular community we like to think of ourselves as above things like sexism, homophobia, racism, etc. But, in all honesty, we struggle with it just like any other group.

Secular groups have a demographic pretty much dominated by older, white males. I have become a leader in every secular group that I have been a part of. I have that type of personality where I want to be a leader and I'm not deterred by the men-folk. I attribute this to growing up in a very male dominated, southern community.

I have southern charm. I know that most men don't intend to dominate or suppress women. I know how to maneuver around it. I have always been able to have a conversation with a man and know how and when to contribute. That sounds bad. I'm not a weak person. I have tact. I know that just because I have something to say doesn't mean that I MUST say it.

And, as for the woman who thinks this is a horrible idea, that the only thing she can think of that women need to not talk about in front of men are our  tampons and 'menses', who feels that it makes women weak to meet in private....

You're a cunt.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Athiest Churches

I recently read a few articles about 'atheist megachurches'. I don't understand the concept.

First of all, no atheist in attendance calls these gatherings a 'church'. It's a buzzy word that the media likes to use. But, does it really matter what you call it? Like the saying goes, 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...'

It's a big damn duck that is going to crap all over the atheist's pathway to acceptance.

I have no issues with atheist wanting to come together every now and then for a common goal, to have conversations or to just simply hang out with other non-believers. I myself go weekly to a 'secular community center' for coffee and community. I've written an article about the Secular Hub before. I love it. But, the difference between Coffee and Community at the Hub and these 'atheist churches' is that the C&C doesn't have an agenda, we don't sing (unless one of us is having a REALLY good time) and we sure as hell do not pass around a collection plate.

This whole idea is not a good way for atheists to show that we are not a religion. I think this goes against what we've been trying to prove all along. I don't need to go to a building where someone can get up in front of me and a few hundred other people, tell us not to do obvious bad things, lead me in a song and/or moment of silence then ask for money.

But the biggest thing I don't need?? I don't need Christians using this as an excuse to call me out that atheists NEED church and how atheism is just another religion.

I'm all about people interacting with society the best way they see fit, and if this makes some atheists happy, sure, fine, whatever. Do it, to it.

But I really just see this as a pain in my ass.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tell Your Story

Last night I hosted an event for the Denver Atheists at the Secular Hub. It was entitled "Tell Your Story".

Whenever atheists come together we seem to always talk about how we came to reason. I figured why not have an event for that sole purpose? We had about 25 or so atheists,  we went around the room AA style (Hi. I'm John and I'm an atheist. Hi, John!) and everyone told their personal story.

We had people who grew up in Buddhist temples, LDS churches, Jewish synagogues, Church of Christ (my own brand on religious upbringing), Scientology and just plain 'cult'.  Some had been freethinkers all their lives. Many were brand new to atheism. It was fascinating.

The best part is that, even though we went 2 hours past our scheduled end time, everyone stayed to hear all the stories. Everyone wanted to hear what the others had gone through.  We all asked questions. I even found other CoC's. That's the first time that has happened for me.

To hear about other people losing their faith, struggling with the loss of friends and family, dealing with the daunting thought of nothingness after we die....it makes you feel more sure. Is that the word I want to use? I felt more sane. It's not just me who searched for answers in my religion only to find more questions. I'm not the only weirdo who couldn't buy in to the feel-good/hell-fire bogus stories. I'm not the only one who gets sad because I know that once someone dies I'll never see them again. I know that there is no heaven and they are gone to me forever. It hurts to not be able to have that small comfort of heaven.

It can be sad. But, we've never felt so free.

At the same time, it makes me appreciate what time I have, if ever so briefly, on this planet.  I marvel in the wonder that is the human race interacting with the planet, with the struggles of life and with one another. It's one of the reasons I have become so involved with the local secular communities. Being around others is comforting. It's enlightening. It's fun!

Community was one of the main topics last night. Many people were afraid of leaving their churches because they feared losing their community; their social lives. Hopefully, the more secular people come out of the closet, the larger community we will have.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I work for a private vocational rehabilitation company. We create life care plans for people who have been injured as well as provide case management services for people with disabilities all over the country. So, of course, we are watching the Affordable Care Act information like a hawk.

One of our clients, for whom we provide case management services, is currently enrolled in a state-run high risk insurance pool. These pools were established for people with preexisting conditions who were either denied coverage or given outrageous premiums. Not to be confused with the temporary high risk insurance pools that the ACA created- no no. This particular plan has been around for 15 years. 

The temp high risk pools will no longer be needed after Jan 1st--when ACA goes into affect.

Our question was, are the high risk insurance pools that have been around for years going to be going away as well or are they going to be changing or...?? What?

Our client's plan is covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield. I call their customer service and I was told that their board of directors had yet to tell them what changes, if any, will be happening. Ok...

I called the ACA customer service line. (Got through within seconds) They do not have any information on state sponsored high risk pools.... They did tell me that if our client has had his insurance since March 23, 2010 he will be grandfathered into his insurance.

Great! I called my client's insurance back to find......he went on the plan in July of 2010.


Ok, fine, cool....

We begin the process of figuring out what plans under the ACA will work for him. We call the client's mother, as he is a minor, to inform her of these findings....all hell breaks loose...

"I don't want him to be put on OBAMACARE!! Don't put him on that! The government will be able to do WHATEVER they want- come into my home, take all our stuff whenever they want!! I don't want them to come in and make all our household decisions!!"

Whoa, lady.  Ease off the Faux News a bit.

Is this really happening? Are media channels reporting such outrageous information? Are scare tactics really going to be what stops something that should be so beneficial?

Ok, is the ACA perfect? Of course not. Is it going to be easy and streamlined? LOL No. Will it even work at first? Maybe not. But is it going to give the government the right to come into our homes and take things, kill our elderly, and teach our children how to be commies???

What. The. Fuck. People.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Do I Hate God?

"Why do you hate God?"

Many atheists get this question frequently. It's funny how many believers think atheists are angry with god. I'm not sure how else to explain this; we don't believe in your god. I can't be angry at something in which I don't believe.

It's that simple.

In a very played-out way I can equate it to being angry at Santa Clause, when you are well into your adult years, for not bringing you the present you asked for.

I hate giving that analogy now. I've given it so many times as an answer but it always gets blown off by religious people. Somehow, all the stories about believing in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny were so easily shed off once kids reached a certain age but, Jesus? Nope. That's the real story you were told as a child.

It's very frustrating for secular people. We are asked to explain how we feel about god. When we give our rational explanation we are rebuffed.

A typical conversation goes in this fashion:

Theist: "Why are you so angry at God? Can't you see that he wants you to love him?"

Atheists: "I'm not angry at God. I don't believe in God so there is no reason for me to be angry with him. I'm not angry at Santa for not bringing me presents on Christmas...."

Theist: "HA! Santa isn't real. God is real. Just read the Bible. And, you atheists don't want to believe in God but you WILL celebrate his birth!"

Atheist: "Christmas was a pagan holiday before Christianity took it over. The names and celebration was changed but the date was always a holiday. There are even some pagan traditions that we kept, like decorating a tree. It was just easier to use a set holiday.... And, I've read your bible many times."

Theist: "The pagans set the date but God was always around. They just got the message wrong. They heard the word of God and tried to steal it to fit their needs. And, you didn't read the Bible the correct way. You have to read it with an open heart. You probably just read it while you were angry with God or sinning."

Atheist: "What?"

Theist: " You just love your sin....Like the pagans....and Obama...."

Atheist: "O.K. I'm done with this conversation."

Theists: "Another win for Jesus!"

Of course, not all theists are this crazy...some are worse. I'm not kidding, MANY conversations go like this. For the most part, we're tired of it. I like to think I have a tad more patience than many of my secular friends. But, even I'm getting sick of this nonsense.

You believe what you wish, I will live as I wish and let's not fight about it. Deal?