Monday, November 18, 2013

Athiest Churches

I recently read a few articles about 'atheist megachurches'. I don't understand the concept.

First of all, no atheist in attendance calls these gatherings a 'church'. It's a buzzy word that the media likes to use. But, does it really matter what you call it? Like the saying goes, 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...'

It's a big damn duck that is going to crap all over the atheist's pathway to acceptance.

I have no issues with atheist wanting to come together every now and then for a common goal, to have conversations or to just simply hang out with other non-believers. I myself go weekly to a 'secular community center' for coffee and community. I've written an article about the Secular Hub before. I love it. But, the difference between Coffee and Community at the Hub and these 'atheist churches' is that the C&C doesn't have an agenda, we don't sing (unless one of us is having a REALLY good time) and we sure as hell do not pass around a collection plate.

This whole idea is not a good way for atheists to show that we are not a religion. I think this goes against what we've been trying to prove all along. I don't need to go to a building where someone can get up in front of me and a few hundred other people, tell us not to do obvious bad things, lead me in a song and/or moment of silence then ask for money.

But the biggest thing I don't need?? I don't need Christians using this as an excuse to call me out that atheists NEED church and how atheism is just another religion.

I'm all about people interacting with society the best way they see fit, and if this makes some atheists happy, sure, fine, whatever. Do it, to it.

But I really just see this as a pain in my ass.

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