Saturday, November 2, 2013

Do I Hate God?

"Why do you hate God?"

Many atheists get this question frequently. It's funny how many believers think atheists are angry with god. I'm not sure how else to explain this; we don't believe in your god. I can't be angry at something in which I don't believe.

It's that simple.

In a very played-out way I can equate it to being angry at Santa Clause, when you are well into your adult years, for not bringing you the present you asked for.

I hate giving that analogy now. I've given it so many times as an answer but it always gets blown off by religious people. Somehow, all the stories about believing in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny were so easily shed off once kids reached a certain age but, Jesus? Nope. That's the real story you were told as a child.

It's very frustrating for secular people. We are asked to explain how we feel about god. When we give our rational explanation we are rebuffed.

A typical conversation goes in this fashion:

Theist: "Why are you so angry at God? Can't you see that he wants you to love him?"

Atheists: "I'm not angry at God. I don't believe in God so there is no reason for me to be angry with him. I'm not angry at Santa for not bringing me presents on Christmas...."

Theist: "HA! Santa isn't real. God is real. Just read the Bible. And, you atheists don't want to believe in God but you WILL celebrate his birth!"

Atheist: "Christmas was a pagan holiday before Christianity took it over. The names and celebration was changed but the date was always a holiday. There are even some pagan traditions that we kept, like decorating a tree. It was just easier to use a set holiday.... And, I've read your bible many times."

Theist: "The pagans set the date but God was always around. They just got the message wrong. They heard the word of God and tried to steal it to fit their needs. And, you didn't read the Bible the correct way. You have to read it with an open heart. You probably just read it while you were angry with God or sinning."

Atheist: "What?"

Theist: " You just love your sin....Like the pagans....and Obama...."

Atheist: "O.K. I'm done with this conversation."

Theists: "Another win for Jesus!"

Of course, not all theists are this crazy...some are worse. I'm not kidding, MANY conversations go like this. For the most part, we're tired of it. I like to think I have a tad more patience than many of my secular friends. But, even I'm getting sick of this nonsense.

You believe what you wish, I will live as I wish and let's not fight about it. Deal?

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