Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I work for a private vocational rehabilitation company. We create life care plans for people who have been injured as well as provide case management services for people with disabilities all over the country. So, of course, we are watching the Affordable Care Act information like a hawk.

One of our clients, for whom we provide case management services, is currently enrolled in a state-run high risk insurance pool. These pools were established for people with preexisting conditions who were either denied coverage or given outrageous premiums. Not to be confused with the temporary high risk insurance pools that the ACA created- no no. This particular plan has been around for 15 years. 

The temp high risk pools will no longer be needed after Jan 1st--when ACA goes into affect.

Our question was, are the high risk insurance pools that have been around for years going to be going away as well or are they going to be changing or...?? What?

Our client's plan is covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield. I call their customer service and I was told that their board of directors had yet to tell them what changes, if any, will be happening. Ok...

I called the ACA customer service line. (Got through within seconds) They do not have any information on state sponsored high risk pools.... They did tell me that if our client has had his insurance since March 23, 2010 he will be grandfathered into his insurance.

Great! I called my client's insurance back to find......he went on the plan in July of 2010.


Ok, fine, cool....

We begin the process of figuring out what plans under the ACA will work for him. We call the client's mother, as he is a minor, to inform her of these findings....all hell breaks loose...

"I don't want him to be put on OBAMACARE!! Don't put him on that! The government will be able to do WHATEVER they want- come into my home, take all our stuff whenever they want!! I don't want them to come in and make all our household decisions!!"

Whoa, lady.  Ease off the Faux News a bit.

Is this really happening? Are media channels reporting such outrageous information? Are scare tactics really going to be what stops something that should be so beneficial?

Ok, is the ACA perfect? Of course not. Is it going to be easy and streamlined? LOL No. Will it even work at first? Maybe not. But is it going to give the government the right to come into our homes and take things, kill our elderly, and teach our children how to be commies???

What. The. Fuck. People.

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